School Council Meeting: November 24

-Suggestions box
- Attendance
- Upcoming Events
-Any other business
We had a very interesting start to our School Council meeting with lots of enthusiasm for some innovative and creative ideas for School Council. These ideas included a park, swings, slide, go karts, scooters, skate park, Tesla minibuses and Lamborghinis. An overall theme that came from these ideas is that children would like to have something else outside to entertain them during break times.
Rachel sent apologies as she was unable to make today’s meeting, however she wanted to remind children to keep on top of their attendance and recruit some attendance officers.
We decided that our officers will be:
KS3- RJ Caplan
KS4 – Roxy Berry
Aspire – TBC
Finally, we moved on to organising our Christmas Fun Day. I hope the staff are prepared because the children have lots planned for us this year. We have booked the event in the diary for December the 18th. This will include a party, DJ, boxing day dinner, dressing up and lots more.