Our Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Ryan Duford (Bryncoch Site), and Mr Nick Lloyd (Port Talbot Sites). The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Mr Paul Thomas (Bryncoch Site), Mrs Karen Haynes and Mrs Sam Powell (Port Talbot Sites).

Should you wish to discuss or pass on any concerns you have regarding safeguarding and child protection please contact our Safeguarding Staff through the school office.
Ysgol Hendrefelin follows the Neath Port Talbot safeguarding procedures. The school will endeavour to discuss all concerns with parents about their children. However, there may be exceptional circumstances when the school will discuss concerns with social care and/or the Police without prior parental consent (in accordance with procedures). We always aim to maintain a positive relationship with all parents.
We have a wide range of safeguarding and health and safety guidance and procedures in place to protect all our pupils and ensure their welfare. The Governors and staff annually review and monitor these policies which include safeguarding, anti-bullying, behaviour, security, first aid, and e-safety.
In accordance with statutory guidance, all staff annually attend Child Protection training and reporting procedures to follow for suspected incidents of abuse.
The school works with a number of agencies to safeguard and protect individual pupils’ welfare. Robust safer recruitment guidelines are followed with regard to recruitment and all staff and regular volunteers undergo DBS checks to assess their suitability.
Our full Safeguarding Policy and procedures are available on our website in the Policies Section and from the office.
This site provides information for the public, parents, carers, children, and young people on key issues around the safety and well-being of children.