A Trip to Cardiff

KS4 (Bryncoch) visit to Cardiff Castle and Sophia Gardens Sports Centre
On Friday 31st March, pupils in KS4 visited Cardiff as part of their cross-curricular coursework in Humanities, Photography, Leisure, Art, and PE skills.
Although the weather was against us, we had a lovely tour of the castle seeing how the Bute family had lived many years ago. Our tour guide clearly explained what life was like for the family who used Cardiff Castle as their summer home when they visited Scotland. The rooms were quite magnificent and very decorative and colourful. One of the rooms used by the Bute children was decorated with scenes from children's stories such as Aladdin, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, etc. and it was great to see that pupils recognised the famous stories that have spanned the generations.
After having lunch at the castle, we then made our way back to the Sport Wales National Centre which we were told by our guide is the home of Welsh sports and is surrounded by attractive parkland which provides an ideal environment for all users. We were really lucky to be able to look around the National Centre and see the facilities used by more than 30 Welsh governing bodies of sport, including the Federation of Disability Sport Wales. The facilities were really impressive, and it was a great opportunity to see the range of fitness activities available to help elite athletes reach the top of their sports whilst catering to individual members of the public who can also use the facilities to increase their own fitness levels.
All in all, it was a great day, and pupils can now use the knowledge gained as part of their coursework to gain their Agored Cymru certificates at the end of KS4.