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Our Vision & Aims

At Ysgol Hendrefelin, we recognise and respond to the individual needs of each pupil, through supportive and challenging learning experiences, in a secure and respectful environment.

We aspire to achieve this by:
  • Ensuring a safe, caring and inclusive environment, with an emphasis on recognising, respecting and celebrating diversity, with the view to developing responsible citizens of the future.
  • Encouraging pupils to develop a positive attitude and responsibility for their own learning, celebrating success and promoting independence.
  • Maintaining high expectations in terms of partnership in learning attendance and behaviour.
  • Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum, including the National Curriculum, which is organised and delivered to meet the needs of the pupils and prepare them for adult life.
  • Work closely in partnership with parents, carers, staff and other professionals and the local community.
  • Provide a positive well resourced school, staffed by trained and committed professionals, managing funding and resources in an effective and efficient manner.